Friday 6 February 2009

Favicon in Drupal

I'm using Drupal to put together a site for my son's school's Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). I'm impressed at how quickly you can get something up on Drupal. Getting something the way you want it is a little harder, as is always the case with computers.

One stumbling block has been the favicon. First, it appears that the HTML that Drupal generates requires a Windows Icon file type (favicon.ico). I've used favicon.png in other sites, but in Drupal it has to be a .ico file.

Also, the directory where you put the favicon.ico is write protected, and the file manager I was using on my hosted service didn't tell me I was trying to upload a file to a write protected directory. That resulted in another 10 minutes of muttering and fooling around trying to figure out where the file was going.

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